JDV 4.02 – Seismic vertical expansion joint for façades, wall and ceiling



JDV 4.02

Seismic vertical expansion joint

Product compatible with our fire protection solutions and our waterproofing membranes

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Veda France icône mouvement






RAL colours


flat and angle


  • Seismic expansion joint
  • Vertical installation on facade, wall and ceiling
  • For joint gaps from 50 to 200 mm
  • Seismic vertical expansion joint in anodized aluminum, with pre-drilled side plates and a central plate to absorb large movements. Ideal for use on walls, facades and ceilings. Available in 3lm.

    JDV 4.02 seismic expansion joint for a perfect finish

    This vertical expansion joint is specially designed for a high-quality finish with invisible fastenings. It is fastened on both sides with 4.5×50 mm stainless steel screws and 8×40 nylon plugs (the screws used vary according to the substrate). The JDV 4.02 seismic joint can also be powder-coated to blend in perfectly with the building. A corner anodized aluminium profile (JDV 4.02 A) is available to ensure aesthetic continuity with the flat model.

    Seismic vertical expansion joint

    This vertical expansion joint is available for initial openings from 40 to 200 mm (larger dimensions available on request). It accepts seismic movements of up to +100/-100 mm. Our JDV 4.02 seismic joint is compatible with JDH 6.22, JDH 6.24 and JDH 6.26 seismic expansion joints for floor, for example. Suitable for all types of building: railway stations, airports, shopping centers, universities, etc. Quick and easy to install, an installation sheet is available on request for this vertical expansion joint.

    Custom seismic joints

    The dimensions of the JDV 4.02 seismic vertical expansion joints are available in the technical data sheet. Special dimensions are possible for large quantities. Please do not hesitate to contact our team if you have any queries.

    Vertical expansion joint specifications

    Autocad drawings, BIM files and CCTP specifications are available to design offices, architects and engineers directly on our website, using the access codes supplied by our prescription department.

    To find out more about seismic expansion joints for walls and ceilings, visit our Vertical Joints product page.

    You may also be interested in these products

    From our wide range of vertical expansion joints, here is a selection of similar products you might be interested in:

    • JDV 4.03 Series anodized aluminium profile,
    • JDV 4.116 Series seismic expansion joint,
    • JDV 4.07 seismic joints with TPV insert.

    All these suggestions are anodised aluminium profiles.

    JDV 4.02 aluminium joint covers installation

    1. Check the opening of the seismic joint and determine the corresponding model from the technical data sheet.
    2. If necessary, remove any material left in the joint. Surfaces must be clean and dry.
    3. Check that joint edges are level.
    4. Position the two side plates on either side of the vertical expansion joint and mark the holes.
    5. Drill the holes. Vacuum supports and holes. Position fasteners.
    6. Put 7 staples along the entire length of each 3lm of the seismic vertical expansion joint.
    7. Position the central plate centered on the joint gap.
    8. Clip on the first cap. Apply pressure with the palm of your hand evenly along the length. The installation of the covers should be done without resistance. Then clip on the second cap.
    9. The JDV 4.02 vertical expansion joint is now in place. Take care to protect it during the construction phase.

    BIM File

    CAD Drawing

    JDV 4.02
    4.02-0404.02-0504.02-0604.02-0804.02-1004.02-1204.02-1504.02-1804.02-2004.02-040 A4.02-050 A4.02-060 A4.02-080 A4.02-100 A4.02-120 A4.02-150 A4.02-180 A4.02-200 A
    GAP UP TO (MM)
    MOVEMENTS (MM)+25 / -25+40 / -40+40 / -40+40 / -40+78 / -78+78 / -78+78 / -78+100 / -100+100 / -100+20 / -20+20 / -20+20 / -20+20 / -20+40 / -40+40 / -40+40 / -40+50 / -50+50 / -50
    slide to see more